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«J'ai passé presque toute ma vie à essayer de comprendre les conditions dans lesquelles vivent les opprimés. Et je l'ai fait à travers le point de vue d'une femme noire de la classe ouvrière. Je suis engagée dans la lutte contre le racisme, le sexisme, le classisme , le capacitisme (et tous les autres «ismes» qui empêchent les gens de vivre pleinement leur vie), non pas parce que mon propre bien-être en dépend, mais parce que l'humanité est une expérience partagée.
C'est avec cette intégrité et cette expérience que je travaillerai pour faire en sorte que l'agenda politique du 2nd Ward affirme la vie des plus vulnérables. "- Darlene Cannon
Préparer le terrain pour nos vies.

Le 2nd Ward a une riche histoire d'abordabilité, mais au cours des deux dernières décennies, les logements pour les familles de la classe ouvrière et à faible revenu ont considérablement diminué. Par la suite, les loyers ont augmenté, rendant presque impossible pour les résidents de devenir acheteurs d'une première maison. Les modèles de développement immobilier et de gentrification menacent l'abordabilité, la mobilité du logement et la justice raciale. En tant qu'échevinière élue, je m'engage à promouvoir un développement communautaire axé sur l'équité qui augmente les ressources de logement à faible revenu et équitables. Grâce à la collaboration communautaire, à la collecte de données sur l'évaluation des besoins et à une recherche rigoureuse sur les politiques de logement, nous pouvons nous assurer que le 2e quartier est développé sans déplacement .   Ensemble, nous pouvons transformer les possibilités de logement pour garantir que les politiques progressistes sont enracinées dans la justice raciale et économique.

Cliquez pour en savoir plus sur les priorités en matière de logement et les politiques de soutien:

  • Repurposing Vacant, Abandoned, or Substandard Property
    Evanston has a unique opportunity to innovatively think about affordable housing. Theoretically, repurposing vacant, abandoned, or substandard property would operate with respect to both the acquisition and the rehab aspects of the process. 1 Aquisition: properties that the local government (or state government) obtains through tax foreclosure or tax reversion, effectively with low or without cost to Evanston. 2. Rehab: In most cases, Evanston would not rehabilitate the houses themselves, but pass the property through to a nonprofit or other entity to rehabilitate the property under municipal supervision. Projects would then be allocated on a needs basis.
  • Reinstating Evanston Housing Corporation First Time Homebuyer Program
    First time homebuyers of single-family homes, townhouses, or condos, whose income is below average medium income, would receive loan offers below market interest rates.
  • Establishing Long-Term Community Land Trust
    Evanston's first Community Land Trust (CLT) exists in the 2nd Ward at 2212 Washington St. CLTs are created to acquire and reserve land for community benefit under community control. Typically this is one way to ensure land stays affordable for generations. The ownership of the home is separate from the ownership of the land that it is built on, with the focus on providing an affordable single-family homeownership option for low and moderate income families.
  • Lifting the Ban on Rent Control
    While the ban on rent control is legislation at the state level, local level officials have the ability to inspire and organize residents to take action. Housing justice is racial justice, as systemic racism has exploited and prevented fair housing. Lifting the ban on rent control would help limit the displacement of Black people and other minority people across the state.
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À l'échelle nationale, les mouvements politiques ont révélé les façons systémiques dont la vie des Noirs, des Autochtones et des personnes de couleur (BIPOC) est constamment menacée.

Actuellement, le COVID19 et les conditions pandémiques ont exacerbé cette réalité et nuisent de manière disproportionnée aux communautés de couleur.

Cette campagne s'engage à comprendre toutes les façons dont la politique de la ville et le surdimensionnement communautaire peuvent améliorer la façon dont nous construisons la solidarité et des quartiers forts.

Cliquez pour en savoir plus
  • Repurposing Vacant, Abandoned, or Substandard Property
    Evanston has a unique opportunity to innovatively think about affordable housing. Theoretically, repurposing vacant, abandoned, or substandard property would operate with respect to both the acquisition and the rehab aspects of the process. 1 Aquisition: properties that the local government (or state government) obtains through tax foreclosure or tax reversion, effectively with low or without cost to Evanston. 2. Rehab: In most cases, Evanston would not rehabilitate the houses themselves, but pass the property through to a nonprofit or other entity to rehabilitate the property under municipal supervision. Projects would then be allocated on a needs basis.
  • Reinstating Evanston Housing Corporation First Time Homebuyer Program
    First time homebuyers of single-family homes, townhouses, or condos, whose income is below average medium income, would receive loan offers below market interest rates.
  • Establishing Long-Term Community Land Trust
    Evanston's first Community Land Trust (CLT) exists in the 2nd Ward at 2212 Washington St. CLTs are created to acquire and reserve land for community benefit under community control. Typically this is one way to ensure land stays affordable for generations. The ownership of the home is separate from the ownership of the land that it is built on, with the focus on providing an affordable single-family homeownership option for low and moderate income families.
  • Lifting the Ban on Rent Control
    While the ban on rent control is legislation at the state level, local level officials have the ability to inspire and organize residents to take action. Housing justice is racial justice, as systemic racism has exploited and prevented fair housing. Lifting the ban on rent control would help limit the displacement of Black people and other minority people across the state.
We have to fight climate change through scientific information, community support, corporate accountability, and prioritizing those systematically most impacted by our current climate crisis. 
Climate change is not just an environmental issue; we must look at solutions through an equity lens. 
Ways to help create a greener Evanston:
  • Support Evanston’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) which calls for zero carbon/zero waste by 2050
  • Prioritize the expansion of green initiatives through corporate tax
  • Create Alternate Retail Electric Supplier (ARES), a publicly owned energy utility 
  • Create high paying jobs that would result in a mass expansion of renewable energy (e.g., solar installation)
  • Ensure all existing city buildings meet high-performance renewable standards
  • Provide incentives for green community practices
  • Prioritize residential weatherization grants and training for low-income and minority families
Fair Share Northwestern Partnership
Evanston and Northwestern University have a historical and symbolic relationship. Evanston is proud to have the prestige of Northwestern; it's one of the best private higher Ed. institutions in the country, it's also one of the richest.  Northwestern has  an 14.4 billion dollar endowment, along with an operating budget of over 138 million dollars.
Nationally, college towns are looking to universities to step into financial positions to become fair share partners. But what does fair share does this look like?
This idea will builds on the previous efforts to ensure NU a fair share partner, and expand the number of similar legislation that exist across the country. 
Fair Share Quick Facts:
Northwestern Stance on Fair Share
In 2000, a referendum was passed that 83.5 percent of Evanston residents supported the City Council's advisory requesting Northwestern pay its "fair share of the cost of municipal services the city provides such as fire protection and response services."
Tax Exempt Universities and Payment In Lieu Of Taxes (PILOT)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


© 2020 par Darlene Cannon pour la 2e échevin. Construit et payé par Darlene Cannon pour le 2nd Ward.

Une copie de notre rapport déposé auprès du State Board of Elections est (ou sera) disponible sur le site Web officiel du Board ( ) ou à l'achat auprès du State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

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