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February 2023

Endorsed: Cam Davis,

Commissioner - MWRD

It takes spine, heart and soul to run for all the right reasons. Thank you for running.​​​


Community members criticize anti-Black workplace conditions at City Council

Local activist and third-generation Evanston resident Darlene Cannon said Evanston has always had a race problem. Cannon said the city’s Black employees deserve a response from the mayor, City Council and city manager. She said city management needs to terminate all discriminatory practices immediately, and City Council needs to provide a plan of action to prevent future harm. “Failure to do so will only prove that ‘Heavenston,’ the so-called ‘most livable city’ that ‘uses a lens of equity,’ will be considered hollow and performative,” Cannon said. 


In the News

Darlene Cannon, aldermanic candidates, and Mayor-elect Daniel Biss respond to a political flyer mailed to all Evanston resident by the newly formed 'Dark Money PAC' Evanston Together.


Endorsed: Community Alliance for Better Government

Endorsed candidates, including Darlene Cannon for 2nd Ward, "further CABG’s Platform for Government Transparency, developed by residents in an open process at CABG’s “Call to Conference” in January 2021. The Platform calls for a responsive and transparent city government; a City Council, Clerk, and Mayor that make room for all residents in shaping city priorities, with affirmative outreach to those traditionally marginalized instead of those with the deepest pockets; and systemic racial equity, diversity, and inclusion permeating every level of policy development and budgeting, staffing, and service delivery.

“It takes the people to elect people who stand for racial and economic justice in Evanston, and it takes the people to hold them accountable,” says CABG founder Bennett Johnson.


"CABG calls for racial justice, transparency, and accountability in Evanston government."


Newsletter: "Nothing That We Do That is Worthwhile is Done Alone"

The People's Campaign is making the connections between the struggles experienced by residents in the 2nd Ward with other communities, both nationally and historically.  We are at a crossroad for change. Let's collectively reimagine our ward. 


Newsletter: Celebrating Black People

Check out our newsletter, as Black History Month kicks off. This campaign is committed to loving, transforming the material conditions, and funding Black life through advocacy, community building, collective education and equitable policy.  We are committed to turning protest into policy and invite you all take part in reimagining a world divested from systems and institutions that harm Black people and alternatively invest in community care and resources.   Today and everyday we celebrate Black history and Black people.


Endorsed: Our Revolution

"As a grassroots organizer,  Darlene Cannon for 2nd Ward is the the leader we need in the 2nd ward. She works tirelessly to advocate for the needs of all Evanston residents. She will push for better accountability and work hard to improve Evanston's equity issues."

We are excited to announce Our Revolution, a national grassroots organization, focusing on empowering communities, political accountability, and uniting people around progressive policies.


In the News

"If elected to the position, Cannon promises to advocate for racial justice, remedy housing inequity and increase dialogue with residents.

Cannon’s passion for housing equity in Evanston can be traced back to the Great Migration, during which her grandparents moved to Evanston’s 5th Ward. Evanston’s 5th and 2nd wards are historically Black, an effect of redlining and racialized zoning ordinances, she said."


Video: Evanston Live TV Forum

Darlene participated in the Evanston Live TV Candidate Forum sponsored by ELTV, The Black Professional Business Network, and 4 SUNS Fresh Juice! She answered questions from Evanston residents and business owners.


City Clerk Ballot Lottery

See the video starting at 10:12, showing when Darlene is chosen by lottery to be listed first on the April 6, 2021 ballot for the 2nd Ward Alderperson election.

January 2023

Endorsed: Bennett Johnson,

civil rights leader, book publisher, educator

When we talk about fighting for equity in Evanston, we are talking about Darlene Cannon. I have known Darlene for over many years and she has been active in our community by coalition building, in defense of voter initiatives and about affordable housing accessibility.


We are in a critical political moment that requires specific expertise and a deep understanding and

passion for the community. Darlene Cannon is the leader required at this time. I look forward to seeing her on Evanston’s City Council. 


Bennett J. Johnson



Darlene Cannon announces campaign for 2nd Ward alderperson

Local activist and third-generation Evanston resident Darlene Cannon announced her campaign to represent the 2nd Ward after Ald. Peter Braithwaite (2nd) departs from City Council July 11. 


Endorsed: Northside Democracy for America

Darlene Cannon is honored to be endorsed by Northside Democracy for America, a grassroots political organization serving the Chicago area. NDFA is committed to electing socially progressive, ethically committed, and fiscally responsible candidates to all levels of government - local, statewide, and national.


Video: Northside Democracy for America Forum

See Darlene Cannon's endorsement interview with Northside Democracy for America Forum.


Endorsed: Evanston Fight for Black Lives

We have garnered the support of

Evanston Fight for Black Lives.

"Darlene sits on the board of the Democratic Party of Evanston and is passionate about making change in Evanston. She attended multiple EFBL Reclaim the Block protests this summer, proving that she is committed to defunding the police and entirely rebuilding public safety.

"Darlene also cares about affordable housing! She thinks Evanston needs to solidify an affordable housing plan with larger units located not just in Black and Brown neighborhoods.

In terms of reparations, Darlene thinks that Black Evanstonians deserve a tax-free check to be used how they see fit. She wants to use reparations the way they are supposed to be used-- to repair harm that has been caused to generations of Black Evanston residents, any way they see fit.

"To better enforce climate policies, Darlene wants to appoint an Alderman to the climate board.


"She supports a living wage and small business growth!

"She is hesitant to raise property taxes because she understands the inequitable use of taxpayer dollars in Evanston. Why should we all be paying more to do a million dollar rehab project on a park on the northside?"


The People's Campaign is not interested in endorsements by institutions of people that perpetuate the harm of Black, brown, minority or oppressed people. We are proud to be endorsed by Evanston Fight for Black Lives.


Endorsed: OPAL

Darlene has been endorsed by Evanston's Organization for Positive Action and Leadership (OPAL). "OPAL’s volunteer board has put in more than 300 volunteer hours toward preparing for interviews, meeting with candidates, and executing these forums, and we believe we’ve undertaken the most informed and robust endorsement process in this city."

We believe an endorsement is about an alignment of values and pledging accountability to those values and the larger community. OPAL has been committed to Black and marginalized people in Evanston for many years, and this campaign promises to remain an ally in the fight for equity.


Newsletter: Honoring MLK

Honoring Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today and forever. Check out our campaign newsletter.


In the News

"If elected to the position, Cannon promises to advocate for racial justice, remedy housing inequity and increase dialogue with residents.

Cannon’s passion for housing equity in Evanston can be traced back to the Great Migration, during which her grandparents moved to Evanston’s 5th Ward. Evanston’s 5th and 2nd wards are historically Black, an effect of redlining and racialized zoning ordinances, she said."


Video: Interview with Democratic Party of Evanston

Darlene answers community questions from the Democratic Party of Evanston.


Speaking at Evanston City Council Meeting on City Manager Hiring Process

January 2023

Endorsed: Cicely Fleming,  former 9th Ward Council Member 

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I announce my endorsement of Darlene Cannon for 2nd ward Council Member.

Darlene Cannon has a strong record of working to support the community’s needs and interests, and in particular, those of the most vulnerable residents of our City and her Ward.  I am confident that Darlene, as council member, will be very attentive and responsive to her constituents.  She has demonstrated strong and effective leadership skills through her participation as a commissioner on the City’s Equity and Empowerment Commission. Darlene Cannon will be a strong advocate for the 2nd Ward and greater Evanston.


Endorsed: Cicely Fleming, 9th Ward Alderwoman

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that we announce Darlene Cannon's endorsement from Cicely L. Fleming, Evanston 9th Ward Alderwoman. 


Alderwoman Fleming leads with integrity, intentionality, and thinks in terms of the whole and not the individual. She is willing to risk popularity for morality, a parallel to The People's Campaign, and a necessity for Evanston’s city council. Darlene is honored to receive this acknowledgment and support.


Video: ACLU Luncheon with Stacey Abrams

Darlene Cannon was an invited guest for the ACLU's annual luncheon, with keynote speaker Stacey Abrams. Abrams spoke on the role each of us can play in the movement to increase access to the ballot. Darlene was honored to have been invited, celebrating and supporting Abrams' ongoing work to defend civil rights and civil liberties.


Video: NAACP Evanston/North Shore Branch

Darlene Cannon shared her lifelong love and commitment to Evanston, and her passion for public service on behalf of the 2nd Ward in the NAACP's Aldermanic Candidate Forum. The forum was held partnership with Evanston - North Shore Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Delta Chi Omega Chapter.


Video: Canal Park Neighborhood Association

Watch Darlene tackle issues on equitable housing, municipal budget repair, and racial justice; in conversation with Canal Park Neighborhood Association.

Video Password: e64QW9&C


Video: OPAL Candidate Forum

Darlene participated in the Organization for Positive Action and Leadership (OPAL)'s candidate forum. OPAL invited all declared candidates to have a conversation with the OPAL Board about their candidacy.


Endorsed: Reclaim Evanston

We are proud to announce Reclaim Evanston's endorsement. Reclaim fights for racial justice, gender equality, economic opportunity and prioritizes planetary relief. They are uncompromised in their fight for fairness.

Reclaim's agenda this year is bold, as they prioritize efforts to elect: "city council members in 2021 who are progressive, responsive, and accountable to residents".


In the News

"Cannon emphasized the need for an independent review board to review police complaints, specifically not appointed by the mayor.

"'(The board) would look at the current policies we have in place and determine how they impact marginalized communities, Black and brown communities and average working people to see what we can do to improve that,' Cannon said.

“Cannon, who said she supports affordable housing and transparency, emphasized the difference between affordable housing and supportive housing, but also discussed the importance of a connection between the community and those in power when it comes to housing.

“We often in this city allow outsiders to come in and dictate to us what they want to build, not what we need or even what citizens desire or envision for their neighborhoods,' Cannon said. 'We go by what developers want to do, and it’s time that we change that… affordable housing is a right just like healthcare is a right.'

a 2nd Ward resident, has been active in community issues, such as development discussions, debates about the future of the Harley Clarke Mansion and the city manager selection process. In her campaign announcement, Cannon said she plans to prioritize the city’s marginalized communities if elected to the role.'"


Collaborative Food Drive with Aldermanic Candidates

This  food drive in collaboration with Feeding the Village Evanston fed over 50 families with community donations. 


Video: Evanston Live TV Interview

Aldermanic candidate for the 2nd Ward Darlene Cannon explains her vision of an Evanston that listens to its residents before making decisions. She breaks down the controversey behind her views on Affordable Housing. And she asks the incumbent Alderman,"Why are you running?"


Speaking at Evanston City Council Meeting on the Open City Manager Position

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